The Promise

Free College at MCC and Baker.

Two years of free Tuition, Fees, and Books at Muskegon Community College or Baker College if you graduate High School with at least a 3.5 GPA.

Muskego Promise Scholarship

Realize however that The Promise is a Final Payment Scholarship. That means if you receive Financial Aid (Pell or institutional grants, scholarships, academic or athletic) or you earn private scholarships, those funds will be applied first.  The Promise Scholarship only completes your financial obligations.  Aside from The Building A Better World Scholarship, you will not receive reimbursement for the residual amount of any other grant funding.*

Please go to MAISD Muskegon Promise for specific guidelines on qualification for the Muskegon Area Promise Scholarship.

*Building A Better World Scholarship will provide flexible options in regard to this final payment procedure. If you win the Global Awareness or Community Involvement component of The Building A Better World Scholarship and you qualify for The Muskegon Promise, you will have two options from which to choose on dispersal of your scholarship.   If we were to provide the scholarship to you and you also qualified under The Promise. you would not realize the The Building A Better World award.   Your Muskegon Promise Scholarship would merely subtractThe Building A Better World Scholarship total from their award.  By providing you payment options below,  you can benefit from both scholarships.

  1. University Award – You may defer The Building A Better World Scholarship for two years.  We will issue the scholarship check following Community College graduation and transfer,  to the four year institution where and when you are accepted for transfer.
  2. Living Expenses Award – We will provide you personally the The Building A Better World Scholarship award in two increments (1/2 of the total each time) – at the end of each school year that you successfully complete your course work (at Baker or MCC) according  to The Promise criteria.  The scholarship monies will be awarded to you as living expenses associated with attending school.  You may use the award as you wish.  If you do not fulfill The Promise guidelines for renewal you will not receive your stipend.
  3. Take the Scholarship – If you do not qualify for The Promise, and you attend Baker or MCC, and you win The Building A Better World Scholarship – we will release your scholarship monies to the appropriate institution.
  4. Irreversible – Your decision as to  (University or Living Expenses Award) is not reversible and must be made in writing prior to the beginning of Fall semester of college following your High School graduation.