Sam Fox – 2012 Independent Travel ($1000)

Samantha Fox  – Muskegon Community College  / Fall 2012

Sam Fox is enrolled as a 2012 freshman at Muskegon Community College.   She already has 20 hours of credit at MCC through dual enrollment.  After MCC Sam plans to study Psychology at Grand Valley State University.  She hopes to attend graduate school and earn a Phd in Psychology, ultimately pursuing a career as a licensed psychiatrist.  The focus of her independent travel is a road trip to North Carolina in the summer of 2013. It is a state that she is seriously considering as a future and permanent home.  This road trip is all about searching that option for school and a career.

From Sam’s winning scholarship essay...

“…The expression ‘It’s a small world’ is often said when people discover that they have something in common with another individual, such as a person they both know or places that they have both been to, but in all reality the world is anything but small.  The cool thing about the inhabitants of Earth is that not one human being is the same.  Although, people in different countries, states, cities, communities, and families do have similar ways of doing certain things…when you meet a person who does something different than you do, it is very possible that you might find it strange.

Many people think this about different cultures, but I disagree.  If every single person everywhere did the same exact thing our world would be boring.  The differences in culture are what make us unique and our world extremely interesting.  There is so much out there to see and to learn.

There honestly is so much more out there than just Muskegon, and getting a little taste of traveling makes me want to explore some more.  You can learn a lot about the world by reading books and listening to people talk, but you don’t really know about the world until you see it for yourself.”

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